“My life has collapsed. I have lost everything. I’m depressed. I feel like banging my head into the wall”...
Well now if you are wondering, then let me in one stroke, tell u that these are the outcomes of a virus that has infected so many of us. I can see that many of u have already put the cynics cap on & are thinking of a 100th way to live happily.. So, i thought with life being so unpredictable; who knows till when will i
get a opportunity to give you a magic formula for happiness..
Well now if you are wondering, then let me in one stroke, tell u that these are the outcomes of a virus that has infected so many of us. I can see that many of u have already put the cynics cap on & are thinking of a 100th way to live happily.. So, i thought with life being so unpredictable; who knows till when will i
get a opportunity to give you a magic formula for happiness..
As i always say, life is a magnificent trip! It does bring with it certain joys & griefs, ups & downs, and collapsing times. So to u, my amazing readers, who are recently trying to drag themselves out of a bad phase where you are feeling low and out of sync, please allow me to share a few things with u..
1. Believe In The Power Of YOU
To begin with, start believing that you are GREAT, that there’s something awesome about u. Regardless of what has happened to you in your past, regardless of how young or old you might be. Say to yourself, “I AM THE BEST”.. Because the truth is no one else can dance your dance, no one else can sing your song, no one else can write your story. you are who you believe yourself to be, and the story begins here!!
2. Experience Joy
JOY, LOVE, FREEDOM, HAPPINESS, LAUGHTER. That’s what it is. Its not your job to change the world or the people around you. Its your job to go with the flow & celebrate it with the world that exists. Be happy, feel good now. If you experience joy sitting there n watching a movie all alone, do that. If you experience joy eating a salami sandwich, do that!
3. Take It As An Opportunity
Simply think of it..You have come to this juncture in your life, merely because something in you kept saying- “u deserve to be happy. You were born to add something, to simply be something, bigger & better thn you were yesterday. The time to embrace your magnificence is NOW!
4. Think Positive
It took a lot of years for me to understand this point. We all human beings come with a Built-in-basic program. Its called ‘Being Pessimistic’. And that is what leads to living in depression, anger, fear & powerlessness. Flip your thoughts from what you don’t want or what you hate, to WHAT YOU WANT. Remember, often elections are tipped in favour of the person that the people are really against, cuz he’s getting all the focus!
So focus on good thoughts, for they lead to essentially a Happier Biochemistry :)
5. Have Faith
Think about Aladdin & his lamp. The Genie always says one thing- “your wish is my command. The story now goes that there are 3 wishes, but if you trace the story back to its origin, there’s absolutely no limit whatsoever to the wishes. Let’s take this metaphor & apply to life. The Genie in this case is someone up there! Live from your heart, go for whatever it wants. BMWs, dream house, love.....(i leave it for u to fill in the blank). Remember the Genie always says “your wish is my command”.
Just take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step!
6. Start Afresh
Alot of you feel that you are victims in life & you’ll often point to past events. If you’ve filled ur life with the baggage from the past, wipe it clean! Erase everything from the past that does not serve you and be grateful it brought you to this place now, to a NEW BEGINNING. Don’t delay. Don’t second guess. Don’t doubt. Just start all over again- Right here, Right now!
The screen hasn’t turned black & its not yet the time to paint “The End” in white. So get up, feel good, create a life you deserve, fight for it, walk on your own & go wherever you like. You are the masterpiece and Michelangelo of ur own life- so Believe in the power of yourself! You can open doors for yourself where there are only windows.
All you have to do is make a start, and as you do, you will unleash the magic!
And the whole world will be at a loss for an explanation like you once were!!!!
P.S.- I just re-read what i wrote.. I feel i’m becoming a way too INTELLECTUAL!
P.P.S-I love reading your feedback..So keep it coming.....
Till then, ENJOY & HAVE FUN..
Much Love